A carbon removal company

We remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by accelerating Earth’s natural carbon dioxide regulating mechanism - weathering

Weathering Illustration
The Challenge Illustration

Responding to the climate crisis

Humans have put as much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in the past thirty years as in the previous thirty thousand, disrupting our atmosphere’s natural balance.


Removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

Alongside rapid and deep carbon dioxide emissions reductions, society must now also remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Climate Crisis Illustration
Enhanced Weathering Illustration

Our carbon removal solution

We speed up the weathering of silicate, carbonate and hydroxide minerals to permanently remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by working with farmers to apply mineral dust to their fields.

Scaling carbon removal to climate-relevant levels

Work with us to restore balance to our atmosphere by enhancing Earth’s natural weathering process.

1. Science

Everything we do is governed by the empirical results of our work, and guided by our team of scientists and academic advisors.

2. Scale

We leverage the natural carbon removal properties of abundant surplus materials to remove carbon dioxide permanently from the atmosphere.

3. Partnerships

Our work with farmers, industry and the scientific community is developing a carbon removal pathway that can have a positive impact for all.

Turning Concrete into a Climate Solution

We harness the power of enhanced weathering to permanently remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Learn how we're making a difference.

Trusted carbon removal for climate leaders

Zurich Logo
Klarna Logo
Catalyst by Carbonfuture Logo
Milkywire Logo

Supported by

Breakthrough Energy Fellows Logo

Finalist in

Our Services
Trusted carbon removal
for climate leaders